I told you so

Ever since I took up running, my family has told me that it would destroy my joints, my knees . . . it’s unsafe, etc., etc. Well, I am dreading the big “I told you so.” It appears that I have developed the dreaded “Runner’s Knee.” It started with a faint pain behind my knee the other day and it has gradually increased. I have been on one easy run since the pain began, but since then it has been rest and ice, ice baby.

I am thinking that maybe I increased my mileage too soon, too fast. That’s not really running’s fault, right? Not my beloved sport of running. I know I can’t possibly be going too fast. There are turtles who probably go faster than me. 🙂 I am definitely disappointed that I am unable to run right now. Has anyone else had this before? How long does this take to go away? I am optimistic that after a week or so, I will be back to my old self.

The main thing is that this injury is preventing me from doing other exercises as well. I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred on Sunday and all the jumping jacks and stuff definitely aggravated it. Then I decided to wake up at the crack of dawn at 5:30 am this morning to attempt some elliptical work. That . . . . failed me as well. After some research, it looks like any exercise where the legs have to bend is out. I really wish I had access to a pool. Tomorrow, I am going to do some research on other workouts and see if there is anything I can come up with that won’t aggravate this injury. I want to continue losing weight and I don’t like the idea of not working out at out for the next week or so.

Meanwhile, I am super proud of myself for not bingeing today. I ate super healthy and I felt great!

Breakfast was eggs with some red peppers, cheese, and some bacon.

filling and yummy breakfast

Lunch was a simple bowl of tomato soup. I didn’t take a picture because I forgot to take my camera to work, but trust me it was good. I am still not used to having my camera prepared for food pictures.

Snack #1 was carrot sticks dipped in hummus. Ordinarily, I am not a fan of raw carrot sticks. But I LOVE them in hummus. Whole Foods was having a Buy One, Get One free sale on the stuff this weekend on the stuff and if I’m not careful, I may run out of the stuff by the end of the week!

Snack #2 was a delicious apple.

Dinner was some pork tenderloin with some italian seasoning. red pepper flakes. Yummy. We also had mashed potatoes and some asparagus. Well, I had the asparagus. My husband just  had the potatoes.

one of my favorite meals

Best part of the day: I totally resisted the urge to have one of my husband’s cupcakes since I knew I wasn’t hungry. Success! I may or may not have taken a lick at some of the frosting that was left on his plate. Hehe. Just a small taste.

And I could not resist this picture of my dog. She is just as tired as me. She has had a very long day at doggy daycare. Poor thing.

I'm so tired, but the paparazzi keep hounding me!

Now Corey and I are relaxing while watching some TV which includes some “Wipeout” and “Flipping Out.” Love those shows. I’m also thinking of doing some baking, I have a can of pumpkin that has been screaming my name so we will see. Tomorrow is my day off, so I may do it today or I may wait until tomorrow when I am going at full throttle. Goodnight everyone!

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