Fresh Veggies

Until this week, I have never, ever tried fresh green beans before. Please don’t judge me.

Actually, until this week I detested green beans. This was mainly because I have only ever eaten canned green beans. Growing up, my family pretty much lived on canned veggies. I think this is the reason why I detest most vegetables.

Canned veggies are soft, mushy, and flavorless. But I decided to give fresh green beans a shot. After all, they have to taste different from the canned variety, right? I am glad that I tried them. I roasted them in the oven with a little olive oil and some salt and pepper. Mmm . . . tasty. I will eat these again and again.

And yes, I dipped them in ketchup. Everything’s better with ketchup.

I will never buy another can of green beans again. Except for when my husband wants them of course. He will only eat canned green beans and that is just about the only vegetable he likes. Typical.

12 responses to “Fresh Veggies

  1. I love fresh green beans. I was part of a csa and over the summer I had so many green beans…. I have bags full in my freezer!

  2. Aren’t fresh veggies so much better? Similar to you, my husband disliked many veggies when we first met because he’d only ever had the canned versions. Once he learned the magic of roasting them, he quickly turned into a believer!

    The green beans look super tasty πŸ™‚

  3. I love fresh green beans too! I’ve never had them roasted before. I need to get on this!

  4. Go for veggies! I was fortunate and rasied on fresh veg. I applaud you for stepping out of your comfort zone. Many people never do!

  5. Yes, everything IS better with ketchup! πŸ™‚

  6. I love fresh green beans! I tried them for the first time this past summer when my step-dad gave some to me from his garden. They were so addictive! I was so sad when he said he didn’t have any more:( Now I can’t wait ’till next year! People who have only eaten canned have no idea what they’re missing:)

  7. I love fresh veggies! Especially roasted… I feel like you can roast anything and it’s delicious πŸ™‚ YUM

  8. I like green beans in all forms, they’re my fave! But there’s nothing like fresh veg!

  9. You’re right…everything IS better with ketchup!

  10. πŸ™‚ Fresh green beans are so crunchy and delicious – and not that expensive so definitely worth it! Other things I’m a lot more likely to buy frozen (but never canned) – Brussels sprouts, blueberries, broccoli are generally more affordable frozen.

    • Corey, the only time I have ever tried brussels sprouts was a few weeks ago and they were frozen. I did not like them. Maybe I should try roasting them and maybe they would taste better. Broccoli is okay frozen plus I don’t have to worry about it going bad. That’s the best thing about frozen veggies. πŸ™‚

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