Meant to Run?

I think that my body was not made for running. Ever since my last run almost a week ago, my right knee has been very swollen. This happens sometimes and this time I couldn’t ignore it. When I stand up, it actually makes me feel uncomfortable. So I knew that going for a run today was out of the question, even though it was unbelievably nice outside.

Check out the size of my right knee!

I have no idea why my knee gets so swollen. Last time I visited an orthopedist, he couldn’t figure it out so he just drained the fluid. It doesn’t hurt or anything. It mainly just feels uncomfortable because of the swelling. Does anyone know why this would happen?

I am so excited because today was the beginning of my “staycation.” I have mentioned that I have been super busy at work. I decided to take the next several days off of work. I don’t have to be at work until next Thursday. Yay! Since Sundays and Mondays are usually my days off work, that equals about four days off. I really need this time to relax and recharge my batteries. Does anyone else ever take a few days off work just to recharge a little?

I started the day off on a wonderful note. Time off work = more time to cook breakfast. It is my favorite meal of the day after all. 😉 I started the day with my Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast. I used Naturally Nutty Honey Roasted Cinnamon Peanut Butter. I also stuffed the bread with fresh strawberries!

Holy yum! This was so good. I loved the addition of the fruit. So good.

I always think that I’m being lazy on my days off when I guess that’s what relaxing is all about. Why do I feel guilty when I’m not doing anything? I mainly surfed the web, caught up with blogs, and caught up on my DVR recordings.

My breakfast actually kept me full for several hours so I ate a late lunch. I made myself some tuna fish (made of low fat mayo and mustard) and lettuce on multigrain bread. Along with the sandwich, I had some chips and salsa.

The salsa was unpictured because I ate it directly from the jar. It totally hit the spot.

The rest of the afternoon was spent napping on the couch with Callie.

Apparently she was feeling a bit lazy as well.

Even though I couldn’t run, I knew that I had to work out. It took me a good half an hour to drag myself off the couch and workout. I was tired and just didn’t feel like it. I had to keep repeating my exercise mantra in my head: “You are just one workout away from a great mood!” It gets me up every time. I’m not going to lie though. The main reason I got to work out was because I had completely caught up with my DVR and I was bored. There are worse reasons, right? 😉

I ended up doing two Jillian Michaels workouts: 30 day shred level 2 and 6 week 6 pack. They both count as my new workouts for this month. I had only done each of them once and that was a couple of months ago. Why am I so afraid of strenuous workouts?  The 6 week 6 pack workout was a killer. I could barely get through it, but I did it. I guess an hour-long workout isn’t bad for someone who didn’t want to do anything in the first place.

Callie wasn’t in the mood for a workout.
Lazy dog. 🙂

The best part of the day was undoubtedly when my husband got home. He had to work late tonight. When he came home he surprised me with some flowers that he picked in front of his office.

The first sign of Spring! Aren’t they beautiful? Isn’t he the sweetest?

And yes, we put the flowers in a wine glass. That’s just how we roll.

The day ended with a great meal and wonderful quality time with my husband.

I had a cooked hamburger patty with sweet potato fries and roasted asparagus. Of course I drizzled lots of barbecue sauce on them. I’m kind of addicted to barbecue sauce on my veggies now.

After a trip to the grocery store, I am now relaxing with my husband. For the first time in a really long time, I don’t have to work tomorrow. Yay!!!

19 responses to “Meant to Run?

  1. Your husband is so sweet–and so is the puppy!

    I’m so sorry your knee swells up like that! I’d be so sad if I couldn’t run. I have no idea why that would happen. If mainstream medical doctors can’t tell you anything maybe try an alternative or holistic doctor? I think there are multiple ways of looking at something and, depending on the person, one type of perspective may be better than another!

  2. That pb sandwich contraption looks deelish! Fairly certain I’ll be trying that out soon!

  3. I hope your knee gets better girl!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Yes you need a black blazer! Forever 21 has great ones!!!!

  4. Surprise flowers? Love it! 🙂

  5. I love fresh flowers! Nothing says spring like a vase of freshly cut flower! Yours are gorgeous!

  6. I hope you enjoy your staycation. Sometimes you just need that! I did the same and I am just loving it.
    I have had a lot of issues with my knee when running. I will say getting good shoes makes a huge difference.

  7. The Teenage Taste

    Sorry to hear about your right knee! I hope it feels better soon! 🙂

  8. I’m sorry your knee is so swollen. I had tendonitis in my knee before, and it was swollen and pretty painful. Maybe that’s what you have? I had the next week off from work as a staycation too! Have fun!

  9. Those flowers are so pretty! What a good husband 🙂 And sorry about your knee, I don’t think I’m meant to run either. I always get a migraine?!

  10. Cara Craves...

    Your poor knee!
    I hope it gets better soon.

  11. I think running is a lot harder on some bodies than others! I encourage you to really listen to yours and see if other forms of exercise feel better for it. I’m so sorry for your knees 😦

    At least you had an amazing breakfast to cheer you up! YUM to that french toast 🙂

  12. I’m sorry about your knee! Running is very demanding on your body. And Your Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast looks delish!

  13. For your knee rest, ice, and elevation. It does look quite swollen. Those flowers are beautiful I cannot wait for Spring to really get here.

  14. That is weird about your knee. Glad it doesn’t hurt!

    Enjoy your time off. That sounds so nice!

  15. I hope you find out what’s going on with your knee! I totally understand!
    About three years ago, my right knee swelled up too! The doctors checked it and took out the excess fluid. I had Junvinale Rhomatoid Arthrytus. The swelling came back, and they stuck that needle in my knee again and took ou the excess fluid. But now I am in FULL remission. 🙂 It doesn’t bother me at all and it hasn’t come back. 🙂


  16. Enjoy your break from work! I can’t wait for next week…that’s when my spring break starts!! Love your flowers! So pretty!

  17. Jillian Michaels is a killer! Her DVDs are my new workouts, too, and I am so surprised at how difficult they are!

  18. Oh those flowers are so pretty and springy! What a sweet husband!

    Enjoy your R&R 🙂

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